
Google CSR.

Google C R S Google was made in 1998 by Larry Page and Serguei Brin.   Google is the most digital influential company in the world and 2 nd highest rated company of the world. The search engine of the Google made the success of the Google and Android system of the Google is working in the every android mobile this proves the success of the Google.   In these days we use the most of the applications of the Google. For example we use the Gmail to check the mails, we watch the videos on YouTube, we surf on web with Google Chrome and surf on search engine etc which all is of Google. Google also has Mobile phones which named as Google pixel except of it Google has lot of the product. So , this is the 2 nd highest rated company of the world.             Google is also world’s number 1 company of the world in Global Corporate Social Responsibility (GCSR). And the source of ranking is based on the three categories 1 st is workplace 2 nd is citizenship and 3 rd is Governance. Workplace

Does class size effects on learning.

Does class size effects on learning.   Learning is the biggest part of the life because without learning we cannot face any situation. So first of all we will get the definition of learning that what is learning? And the answer of it is gets the knowledge. We can knowledge by reading books, by watching something, face some situations, meets with people etc. So, this is clear that we can learn or gets knowledge from everything. Mostly, we go to school to learn and this mostly starts when we are at the age of 4 or 5 and in this way we can learn till death. This is not compulsory that we can learn only from schools or other institutes we can also learn from internet in this time because the is everything available on the internet so, whatever is this we should start out topic and our topic or maybe question is does class size effects on learning and the answer is obviously yes. Why answer is clear that teacher is only one but students are huge in amounts which become more difficult for th

How music effects our life.

How music effects our life So, what is Music and how everyone likes different types of music and how it effects on our life? I will answer these all question in this essay and I will also talk about that why people like to listening music. So what is music and how it made and the answer is simply this that music is made from different instruments that when instrument is played in a manner than a sound is produced which people like to listen. Human throat is also a very good instrument which will act as instrument when a person speaks with sur and taal. These sur and taal are terminologies in music and when a person speaks by flowing these terminologies of music than this is called singing which most likable instrument for this generation. Now I will come on my questions which I arose above. I will give these all answers below.             So the first question is this that how everyone likes different types of music and the answer is this that people like the music according to sit

My experience of self quarantine

My experience of self quarantine So, there is misunderstanding between people that self-quarantine and self-isolation are the same thing but this conception is not true, I want to correct this concept actually these two are the different things, in this situation we will take the example of corona virus so, the word self-isolation is uses for the those people whose are infected due to this virus but word self-quarantine is uses for those people who want to save yourself from this virus by staying at home.              And our topic for today is also related with this corona virus that what is my experience by staying at home to save myself from this virus. Let’s take the view that how this virus was started. There are two different views for this virus, and this is confirmed that this virus was started from china but how for this there are two different views, some people saying that this virus was started due to the bats that people ate the bats and this became the cause of corona b