How music effects our life.

How music effects our life


So, what is Music and how everyone likes different types of music and how it effects on our life? I will answer these all question in this essay and I will also talk about that why people like to listening music. So what is music and how it made and the answer is simply this that music is made from different instruments that when instrument is played in a manner than a sound is produced which people like to listen. Human throat is also a very good instrument which will act as instrument when a person speaks with sur and taal. These sur and taal are terminologies in music and when a person speaks by flowing these terminologies of music than this is called singing which most likable instrument for this generation. Now I will come on my questions which I arose above.

I will give these all answers below.

            So the first question is this that how everyone likes different types of music and the answer is this that people like the music according to situation because the connection of music is directly with our feelings.

Music Effect

There are different types of music such as Romantic, Sad, Classical, Jazz, pop, Metal etc. And people listens them because it helps to express our feelings. For example when people feels alone than they like to hear sad music because by hearing this kind of music they can understand that they are actually alone in reality.

                   And the next question was this that how it effects in our life. So, we can get answer by watching this that we use music in every field of life to attract others. For examples if we will advertise something than we will use the music in background according to feeling we will take the example inside the example, for example when we advertise something related to Mobile and the mobile name is thunder xyz than we will use the music something lie of aggressive type and in this way music works. Now, I get a very good example which is very easy to understand which is the example of movies that in movies we uses the music and how this I will tell you. If you are playing some horror scenes than we will play the music like horror type to make visible the horror scene and if there will be a happy scene than we will use the happy music. So this was the good example because you can relate this example. Not only this that we use the music in our parties to make party type of environment. This is not enough that music uses in movies, parties etc it also helps to human body to react. Most of the times you realized that when you are inside parties and music is playing than you feel something different than when music is off, we will understand this by taking an example, when you are doing some work than if you listening fast music than your energy becomes double because music affects on our brain.

            We can use the music to bend our mind for example we has some work and we cannot pay attention to this work than we can use the power of music to pay attention. In this way we can use the music. 


                 This all proves that music is good for us to express feelings or change our mind because it helps us to do work also it is the source of entertainment on different occasions. And the conclusion of this whole talk is that it effects on us in every manners which is I think a good thing or maybe not.

So, this is the opinion which is according to me but you has another opinion than you can tell me in the comment section.

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