Concepts of OOP (object oriented programming)

Concepts of OOP



So Sir, this is a good question for programming to ask about the oop. so, In this artical i will tell you about the object oriented programming of c++. Why i choose the oop of c++ not of java or any other programming language so the answer is this that we are learning the c++ therefore we should start the introduction of oop. When we will start learning any other programming language than we will start the other parts of other programming languages.

What is OOP?

                                    There are two types of programming languages one is procedural oriented and the other is object oriented programming language. Simply we learn the procedural programming language first than we starts the object oriented programming language. And the main questions from us is this that what is object oriented programming so the answer of this question is that oop is the programming language which is based on the user in this language we will access everything by using the functions inside class.By using the oop we can make the privacy more stronger for our software 

Concepts of OOP?

                                               So the next question from us is this that what are the concepts of oop so the answer of this is given below

1) Classes

2) Access Specifier

3) Function

4) Inheritance

5) Types of inheritance

6) Polymorphism( with types)

7) Friend Function

8) Use of Constant

9) Static Members

10) Exception Handling

11) File Handling

12) Encapsulation, abstraction, Composition

1) Classes:

                           Classes are the main concept and the first step to to learn the oop. To learn the class i will suggest you to learn the structures in c++ because when you will learn this than it will become easy to understand the classes.

2) Access Specifier:

                                                  There are three types of access specifiers e.g Public, Private, Protected.
Public Method is uses for inside the class with outside of the class but private method is only for inside the self class and protected method uses only for inside the all classes. You will understand the difference clearly after learn the inheritance.

3) Function:

                               Actually we learns the functions in c++ and function is very impotant concept of oop therefore i add the concept of function in oop also.

4) Inheritance:

                                     Inheritance is also the the major concept to learn the object oriented programming because by using inheritance we can make our software because it is the major concept i will recommend this to learn the inheritance clearly after learn the basics of oop which are classes, functions etc.

5) Types of inheritance:

                                                            Yes there are also the types for inheritance for example Simple, Multiple or Hybrid etc and this is also compulsory to learn the types of inheritance. I will not explain these types in this blog because this will become more longer and become more difficult to understand only by reading this to learn these concepts i will recommend you to learn this by watching the videos and i can also suggest the channel to learn these concepts and which is ctech&p. This is the name of the channel to learn the programming.

7) Friend Function:

                                                 Actually friend function disturbs the privacy but this will become compulsory to use the friend function in some situations. So, friend function uses to use to function outside from the class. 

8) Use of Constant:

                                                We already learn the const in c++ but in oop there are some advancement there. We learn that by make the variable const we cannot modify its value but in oop we proof this concept wrong because in oop we will learn how to modify the value of variable by making it const.

9) Static Members:

                                                 This concept is also we learn in c++ but we also introduce this concept in oop. So, i can provide the overview of static data members or functions that static data members are uses inside the static functions only and after use the static data member there is compulsory to provide the definition outside from the main and class.And when we initialize the static variable than it will initialize with zero autometically.

10) Exception Handling:

                                                               Some times we saw that after compile the program program may break therefore we uses the exception handling to remove the breakage of the program therefore we uses this concept.

11) File Handling:

                                              This is also the same topic as the c++ but you can watch this topic again to see only the methods that how to store the data in hard drive by using the classes.

12) Encapsulation, abstraction, Composition:

                                                                                                                  These are also the methods that how to communicate with classes and for this we also provide the types to make communication with classes.
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