Concepts in c++........

 Concepts in c++




And I choose the topic for today is the concepts of c++  and first of all i will make the list for all of them than i will tell little bit about them should we start from here?

I think no. We should understand the overview first that what is c++ why i am talking about the c++ so the answer of it is this that c++ is a programming language which is the fastest programming language and can access the hard of computer directly this is the reason this is the fastest language uses to make the software,games, management systems and games etc. So the topics of this language are these:

1)Introduction to c++

2)Data types



5)if-else/if-else-if/if statements







12)Other vocabulary of c++


                        So, why i talked about these topics so the answer is this that i think this that if someone want to learn this language and do not know which are the topics in c++ therefore, i contribute something. In this way someone can learn the topics after read this so we should overview to all the topics.

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1)introduction to c++:

                                                          Introduction for c++ is only this that it is a programming language and uses to make the software and remaining things i already tell you in my previous artical you can read this by visit to my website artical section.

2)Data types:

                                 What are date types in c++? so, data types in c++ is very important to declare a variable because with the declaration of the variable you should also tell the compiler that which type of variable is this.For example if you want to add numbers than you can use the int or float etc. in the same way if you want to show something or get someone name than you can use the string or character. So in this way compiler can get the variable type.


                                     Header-files in c++ like a backbone of the program. Whatever program you are starting you should also use the header-file. Header-files are also has various types. For example if you want to display or take input from user than you will use the iostream header-file. In the same way if you want to use the specific function than you will also use the header-file of specific kind.


                      Rules is not the concept in c++ but this is the way that how to use the something to run the program. For example to if you want to display something than there are some rules to display word.We can also say that the syntax to apply the any concept.

5)if-else/if-else-if/if statements:

                                                                              This is also an important topic inside the c++ that if-else conditions are like choose the one way between two or more ways. this if-else condition also use the same way that which should program use.


                                                                    There are two kinds of loops one is for loop and other is while loop. The major difference is of its syntax but mostly programmers prefer for loop instead of while loop. And loop is like that if you want to print something more than one time or want to perform the statement more than on time than you should use the loop.


                          Why we uses array? and answer is this that array is like a variable but what make it more useful? answer is that if you want to take the data from three persons than you will use the three variables therefore array were introduced to use the one variable and take the date of more people.


                                                                                        Functions are also of two types one is build in and other is user define. Build in functions like a function which programmer cannot change but in user define function programmer can make the function according to its use. So one question arise while talking about function which is this that functions uses to make the main short.


                                     Structures are uses to make the data private. By using structure one can make the data private and user cannot see the variable. To access this variable we should use the functions.


                                                 Why file-handling uses and this is uses to save the data in hard drive because while running the program it is performing inside the ram and to save this data on hard drive we will use the file-handling.


                          String is also a data type but what make it different from others and make a whole topic and its concepts make it more wider that we will use a special header-file to use this string data type. And to store the data with space string is uses and to store it with space we will use another build in function for string not only this we can also perform another tasks with string this is the reason this topic is wider.

12)Other vocabulary of c++:

                                                                      In other vocabulary there are another topics which are for example c-string vocabulary and many more like build in functions more header-files etc.


                              Vectors are not too much important topic in c++ but we will only say this that this is like array but in vectors there are more concepts.

if you want to learn programming than you can visit my channel which is ctech&p.

                                                   here is the link to learn the c++

                            c++ course


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