How to Start a Business with No Money?

How to Start a Business with No Money? 


                           Hello, friends,  Today, we will talk about the property business model How can you market your business if you want to do property business Recently, Sandeep Maheshwari ji talked about this thing in his part 2 So today I will talk about the marketing part and I have a lit bit experience of this thing also And till yet in every batch, there was one student who had the same business model So I know what problem will occur while executing it So I have added a few things through which you will always make a profit and never face looses But again I am telling you that you need to check this thing according to yourself I am showing you the path but you have to walk yourself Before starting this video I want to say thank you to Sandeep Maheshwari Ji Because the  position in which where I am now is just because of him If you see my previous videos then my body language was not good enough But personally, I am the same person that I am right now. The only problem I was facing that inconspicuous about camera and script writing But then I watched one of his video where he talked about his first event where they forgot everything Then he always speaks from his heart and I do the same thing. 

Along with that I just prepares some main points on which I have to talk Now I can talk confidently without any issue and this is the main reason behind my growth If I was making the same content so maybe I would 't be here now Second thing what he taught me that he talked about in his second video That he can earn crores of rupees but he is not doing it and that thing hit me up What my dream is to earn 100 crores a month And for that, I am ready to sacrifice and I always do work and work all day and all night Many people told me that you are ruining your body so don't run after money. But I used to always think about money all the time Then after watching that video, I thought that why he is not earning money equal to his potential Then I think about the statement in which he told that he had already dug a well from where the money is coming It means we are already getting the amount of money from the market that we need so then why think worried about it Right now I can easily earn the amount of money that I need to enjoy my lie so then why I ruin my body I have to make a balance between my professional and personal life So I also attracted by some other things Now I reduced my physic towards money and again thank you to Sandeep Maheshwari Ji But I don't apply everything thing that he says I only apply on those things where I am lacking and I always see improvements So again Thank you to him. Please tag him if you use Twitter and anywhere else so he can watch this also The ultimate goal behind his Youtube videos is so that he can help other people And to create those people who help others. SO I am doing the same thing I have uploaded my whole digital marketing series for free even after running my institute I learn everything openly. If you want to learn online so come to me otherwise learn from my free offline course Everything is included in that playlist. I run a Hotstar ad and teach everyone about this So if my video helps you then like this and say thank you to Sandeep Maheshwari sir Now let's come to the marketing part of the property business What I personally believe is never market the rented property If you try to sell the rented property then customer acquisition cost will be expensive So the best alternative is to sell them ready-made properties Wherever you live there will be a good builder whose construction is going on So for that, he would need an affiliate to sell that property.


 I don't know about the commission so you have to research yourself. But for example, let's take 2% suppose average property value is 50 lakh so we will get a commission of Rs 1 lakh So we have 1 lakh rupees to acquire a single customer If the customer acquisition price goes beyond 1 lah then we will be in loss and less from 1 lakh then we will make profit So we will run lead ads in facebook Lead ad mean there will a form and it will automatically fill up with your information when you click You can see my videos on  Facebook ads to understand about what is lead ad So we will run a lead ad and whenever a person clicks on it we will get his information One of my students run the lead ad and it was costing around 120-130 but for lumpsum let's take 200 And how many people will convert after getting leads? Let's suppose 1 from every 100 people so it means to get 100 leads we will have to spend 20k So we have spent 20k to sell one product We are getting 1 lakh rupees so it means 80k direct profit So can you imagine about it potential Because there is no doubt that people will buy the property so why not make them buy from your ad Now we will remarket those people who interacted with is but didn't buy anything Re-market means we will show them our ad again Because we know they are interested in buying the property so we will keep showing different types of properties until they buy one Basically, through lead, we get a person who wants to buy a property We have tied up to different builders so we will show their all the properties Now here is one suggestion and that always makes websites and landing page according to a specific builder So landing page will include sales copy and videos of rooms and building You can ask for the brochure from the builder and add all the things on your landing page So that any potential customer would contact you. Always insert your number rather than builder number Because if you put builder number so you will get nothing from the sale Next point is tie-up from the property dealers It is Lil bit difficult to tie up with them. you have engaged with them manually because they are not loyal to anyone Sometimes they won't tell you the true property rate. Basically practically you will face some problems Even some of my students face loos. SOo in starting don't try to do things at such level So now if you want to sell your property and you see an ad to fill up this form for selling your property...... So now let's say you get 100 leads and out of them, 50 people registered their property with you. Let take the same amount of 200 to get one lead. Now customer acquisition cost is 40k instead of 20k So now we get different properties and  after analyzing that we got to know that in Rohini we have these 5-6 different properties We had run ads on Rohini so we got all the properties from there And now we will run ads to all the people who are interested in the property and will tell them to come in Rohini Now we will show them all the Rohini properties together. According to me, this is the best marketing strategy Because what happens is we never buy the product at first sight Because we have certain expectations And that's why we keep seeing different houses until our mindset come to the normal stage And then you are able to identify the best one for you All the salesman use this approach. 

                                   SO as a property dealer, you can also use this  strategy Now in FB ads, you have to a/b testing In a/b testing you have to run different kinds of ads to identify which types of the audience usually engaged After then you will get to know whether business audience, newly married or others who engaged more For that, you have to make different ad sets and after getting 300-400 clicks then analyze the data Don't try to evaluate the result just after 2-3 clicks maybe in starting cost might also vary around 1000 for per click Because it starting your target audience might be wrong or your sales copy can be faulty. There could be several factors behind this So you have to wait for the result to analyze the result I have seen that In starting ads don't perform better In facebook ads will perform better at starting then it will perform well and then again it will perform badly In Google ad will perform badly at starting then it will keep improving The older the ad the better it will perform So like before I am showing you the top competitors on which they are running ads. So just copy and paste dude Right now you are not a digital marketer experT. I can't tell you about a different way to market each part of the house It's better to do on your own rather than hiring an expert. But if your budget is huge then you can hire it


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