How to start programming.....

 How to start Programming




So First of all to start programming there is only thing which need is a fresh mind which every human contain. In this era there is nothing difficult to learn because in this era there is a thing which makes everything easy to learn which is internet. In this time we can afford internet easily and it is easiest way to learn in minimum cost.Therefore, we should learn something to grow yourself and start with programming is a big deal because in this time programming or coding is very important. Our world need good programmers to grow in science because after humans robots are introduced to work and to make work for them we need programming to program their computers. This can make the life easier for humans because in this way humans will get less burden of work. So, whatever after make our mind we should plan which language we should start.

which language we should start:

                                                                                 So, there will be my opinions to start what but if you feel wrong than you can start with another language. And my opinion to start c++ firstly why because with the learning of c++ you can get the proper way of programming. which other language not has. After learn the c++ you can learn the other languages with very easy way. Foe example a number is of int type and in c++ you can get that which number is of int type but in python you cannot learn the difference between these things.Now this question arise that why I choose python to relate the example and answer is mostly people starts the python first and than they feel other languages little bit difficult but after learn the c++ you can get the knowledge of other languages in very easy way.After choose the language you should start the learning from YouTube or any other language.

Advantages of c++:


                                                So advantages of c++ make this language more useful how i can tell you. So, c++ is the only language which can access the hardware directly but there is not any other language which can access the hardware. This is the biggest property of c++ because of this property this is the fastest language to run and this is the reason this language uses to make the game engines. As we know this is an old language but this is still very useful to make games, management systems, game engines and many more.Advantages of c++ are still remains but we should stop here.

                          So,these all are my opinions you can also present your opinions in comment section. This can feel good to me. And advise for all is this that we should learn the coding to develop our logic because coding is just like a game if you will start this than you will feel something like that you are playing game. I always enjoy to code you can also enjoy to code but you should start first to enjoy the coding.

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