Exception Handling in oop(object oriented programming) in c++

 Exception Handling


Task 1:

Write a program that prompts the user to enter a length in feet and inches and outputs the equivalent length in centimeters. If the user enters a negative number, throw and handle an appropriate exception and prompt the user to enter another set of numbers.

using namespace std;
class A{
            double feet, inches;
            void in()
                        cout << "Enter the length in feet:";
                        cin >> feet;
                        cout << "Enter the length in inches:";
                        cin >> inches;
            void cent()
                                    if (feet > 0)
                                                cout << "Feets in centimeters are:" << feet*30.48 << endl;
                                                throw feet;
                                    if (inches > 0)
                                                cout << "inches in centimeters are:" << inches*2.54 << endl;
                                                throw inches;
                        catch (...)
                                    cout << "there is any negative value" << endl;
int main()
            A a1;
            a1.in(); a1.cent();
            return 0;

Task 2:

                 Write a program that prompts the user to enter a person’s date of birth in numeric form such as 8-27-1980. The program then outputs the date of birth in the form: August 27, 1980. Your program must contain at least two exception classes: invalidDayand invalidMonth. If the user enters an invalid value for day, then the program should throw and catch an invalidDayobject. Similar conventions for the invalid values of month and year.

using namespace std;
class DOB{
                int day, month, year;
                DOB(int a, int b, int c)
                                day = a; month = b; year = c;
class invalidDay{
                void check1(DOB &d1)
                                                if ((d1.day< 0) && (d1.day> 31))
                                                                throw d1.day;
                                                cout << "We are throwing days" << endl;
                                catch (...)
                                                cout << "Day is out from range" << endl;
class invalidMonth{
                void check(DOB &d1)
                                                if (d1.month<0 && d1.month>12)
                                                                throw d1.month;
                                catch (...)
                                                cout << "Month is invalid" << endl;
                void check2(DOB &d1)
                                if (d1.month == 1)
                                                cout << "Date of birth is: January " << d1.day << " " << d1.year << endl;
                                else if (d1.month == 2)
                                                if (d1.day > 0 && d1.day <= 29)
                                                                if (d1.day == 29)
                                                                                cout << "This is leap year" << endl;
                                                                                cout << endl << endl;
                                                                cout << "Date of birth is: Fabuaray " << d1.day << " " << d1.year << endl;
                                else if (d1.month == 3)
                                                if (d1.day > 0 && d1.day <= 31)
                                                                cout << "Date of birth is: March " << d1.day << " " << d1.year << endl;
                                else if (d1.month == 4)
                                                if (d1.day > 0 && d1.day <= 30)
                                                                cout << "Date of birth is: April " << d1.day << " " << d1.year << endl;
                                else if (d1.month == 5)
                                                if (d1.day > 0 && d1.day <= 31)
                                                                cout << "Date of birth is: May " << d1.day << " " << d1.year << endl;
                                else if (d1.month == 6)
                                                if (d1.day > 0 && d1.day <= 30)
                                                                cout << "Date of birth is: june " << d1.day << " " << d1.year << endl;
                                else if (d1.month == 7)
                                                if (d1.day > 0 && d1.day <= 31)
                                                                cout << "Date of birth is: July " << d1.day << " " << d1.year << endl;
                                else if (d1.month == 8)
                                                if (d1.day > 0 && d1.day <= 31)
                                                                cout << "Date of birth is: August " << d1.day << " " << d1.year << endl;
                                else if (d1.month == 9)
                                                if (d1.day > 0 && d1.day <= 30)
                                                                cout << "Date of birth is: September " << d1.day << " " << d1.year << endl;
                                else if (d1.month == 10)
                                                if (d1.day > 0 && d1.day <= 31)
                                                                cout << "Date of birth is: October " << d1.day << " " << d1.year << endl;
                                else if (d1.month == 11)
                                                if (d1.day > 0 && d1.day <= 30)
                                                                cout << "Date of birth is: November " << d1.day << " " << d1.year << endl;
                                else if (d1.month == 12)
                                                if (d1.day > 0 && d1.day <= 31)
                                                                cout << "Date of birth is: Desember " << d1.day << " " << d1.year << endl;
int main()
                int day, month, year;
                cout << "Enter the day of birth:";
                cin >> day;
                cout << "Enter the month of birth:";
                cin >> month;
                cout << "Enter the year of birth:";
                cin >> year;
                DOB d1(day,month,year);
                invalidDay i1;
                invalidMonth m1;
                return 0;



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