Operator overloading
Task 1:
Create a constructor that prevents a 0 denominator in a fraction, reduces or
Create a class Rational Number (fractions) with the following capabilities: Overload the
relational and equality operators for this class.
Overload the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operators for this class.
Fractions that are not in reduced form and avoids negative denominators.
using namespace std;
class Rational{
double p, q, temp1, temp2;
Rational(int a, int b)
p = a;
if (b > 0)
q = b;
cout << "Please Enter the value of q greater than 0:" << endl;
cout << "q is set to 1" << endl;
q = 1;
void reduce();
void negcheck();
void show();
void take();
Rational operator+(Rational &);
Rational operator-(Rational &);
Rational operator*(Rational &);
Rational operator/(Rational &);
bool operator==(Rational &);
bool operator!=(Rational &);
double getp()
return p;
double getq()
return q;
double gettemp1()
return temp1;
double gettemp2()
return temp2;
int main()
Rational r(-11, 12), r1(-12, 4);
int a; cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Please Enter 1 for addition" << endl;;
cout << "Enter 2 for subtract"<< endl;
cout << "Enter 3 for multiplication" << endl;
cout << "Enter 4 for division" << endl;
cin >> a;
switch (a)
case 1:
{Rational r3 = r + r1; r3.reduce(); r3.show(); break; }
case 2:
{ Rational r4 = r - r1; r4.reduce(); r4.show(); break; }
case 3:
{ Rational r5 = r*r1; r5.reduce(); r5.show(); break; }
case 4:
{ Rational r6 = r / r1; break; }
cout << "Invalide Entery" << endl;
return 0;
void Rational::reduce()
while (p != q)
if (p > q)
p = p - q;
q = q - p;
p = gettemp1() / getp();
q = gettemp2() / getq();
Rational Rational::operator+(Rational & r1)
if (*this == r1)
q = r1.q;
p = p + r1.p;
else if (*this != r1)
p = r1.q*p;
r1.p = q*r1.p;
p = p + r1.p;
q =q * r1.q;
temp1 = p;
temp2 = q;
return *this;
Rational Rational::operator-(Rational & r1)
if (*this == r1)
q = r1.q;
if (p > r1.p)
p = p - r1.p;
p = r1.p - p;
else if (*this!= r1)
p = r1.q*p;
r1.p = q*r1.p;
if (r1.p>p)
p = r1.p - p;
else p = p - r1.p;
q = q * r1.q;
temp1 = p;
temp2 = q;
return *this;
Rational Rational::operator*(Rational &r1)
q = q*r1.q;
p = p* r1.p;
temp1 =p;
temp2 =q;
return *this;
void Rational::negcheck()
if (p < 0)
p = -p;
if (q < 0)
q = -q;
Rational Rational::operator/(Rational &r1)
if (p>q)
p = p / q;
p = q / p;
if (r1.p > r1.q)
q = r1.p / r1.q;
q = r1.q / r1.p;
p = p / q;
cout <<"Value after Division is:"<< p << endl;
return *this;
void Rational::show()
cout << "Values are:" << getp() << "/" << getq() << endl;
bool Rational::operator==(Rational &r1)
return (q == r1.q);
bool Rational::operator!=(Rational & r1)
return (q != r1.q);
Task 2:
Write a C++ program to overload binary operators '+' to add and '-' to subtract two complex numbers.
using namespace std;
class Imaginary{
int r,i;
r = 0; i = 0;
Imaginary(int a, int b)
r = a;
i = b;
Imaginary operator+(Imaginary &);
Imaginary operator-(Imaginary &);
void show()const;
int main()
Imaginary i1(22, 8), i2(3, 44); i1.show(); i2.show();
Imaginary i3 = i1 + i2; i3.show();
Imaginary i4 = i1 - i2; i4.show();
return 0;
Imaginary Imaginary::operator+(Imaginary &i2)
Imaginary t;
t.r = r + i2.r;
t.i = i + i2.i;
return t;
Imaginary Imaginary::operator-(Imaginary &i2)
Imaginary t;
t.r = r - i2.r;
t.i = i - i2.i;
return t;
void Imaginary::show()const
cout << "Number is:" << r << "+" << i << "i" << endl;
Task 3:
Create a distance class with data members feet and inches, add an overloaded –
operator that subtracts two distances. It should allow statements like dist3=dist1-
dist2;. Assume that the operator will never be used to subtract a larger number
from a smaller one (that is, negative distances are not allowed).
using namespace std;
class Distance{
int x1,y1,d;
x1 = y1= 0;
void c1(int a, int b);
void c2(int a,int b);
void set();
Distance operator+(Distance &);
Distance operator-(Distance &);
void show();
int main()
int x1, x2, y1, y2,d2x1,d2y1,d2x2,d2y2;
cout << "Enter the x1 coordinate:";
cin >> x1;
cout << "Enter the x2 coordinate:";
cin >> x2;
cout << "Enter the y1 coordinate:";
cin >> y1;
cout << "Enter the y2 coordinate:";
cin >> y2;
cout << "Enter the x1 coordinate:";
cin >> d2x1;
cout << "Enter the x2 coordinate:";
cin >> d2x2;
cout << "Enter the y1 coordinate:";
cin >> d2y1;
cout << "Enter the y2 coordinate:";
cin >> d2y2;
Distance d1;
d1.c1(x1, y1); d1.c2(x2, y2); d1.set(); d1.show();
Distance d2;
d2.c1(d2x1, d2y1); d2.c2(d2x2, d2y2); d2.set(); d2.show();
Distance d3 = d1 - d2; d3.show();
return 0;
void Distance::c1(int a, int b)
x1 = (b - a)*(b - a);
void Distance::c2(int a, int b)
y1 = (b - a)*(b - a);
void Distance::set()
d = sqrt(x1 + y1);
Distance Distance::operator-(Distance &r1)
Distance d3;
if (d > r1.d)
d3.d = d - r1.d;
d3.d = r1.d - d;
return d3;
int i = 1;
void Distance::show()
cout << endl;
cout << "Distance " << i << " is:" << d << endl; i++;
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