How does Technology Impact Society?

      How does Technology Impact Society?

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Technology affects society in aspects as diverse as agriculture, education, communication, politics, work or transportation. It is a tool that has modified the way society develops.

In the last centuries, technological development was planned by the few, mainly by the rich.

However, today technology is available to almost everyone. Let's think about the fact that most people own a smartphone / cell phone, which is a technological device.

With this, it has been observed that the use of technical equipment has become practically unavoidable. In fact, technology is so condensed in human organizations that some writers even claim that it is the heart of modern society.

There are several studies that strengthen this theory. Coeckelbergh (2012), in his lesson on how I learned to love robots 

Key aspects affected by technology

Currently, technology and human life cannot be separated, they are co-dependent elements. Human uses technology to facilitate our lives, to communicate, to travel, to learn.

On the other hand, it is humans themselves who produce technological progress based on observable needs of society.

Undoubtedly, technology plays a fundamental role in the development of human organizations, as it interferes with and shapes the economy, education, industry, interpersonal relationships, among other aspects of daily life.

Below is a list of some areas in which the impact of technology can be seen.

1- Agriculture

The technology has revolutionized the methods used in agriculture. Technological development in this area allows to maximize cultivation space.

Machinery used in agriculture facilitates the development of various activities. For example, there are mechanical tillage and irrigation and harvesting systems that reduce human effort and increase soil productivity.

Artificial fertilizer is also an example of how technology affects the sector. Thanks to these products, soil conditions improve.

Another aspect that shows the impact of technology in agriculture is the existence of genetically modified crops.

They grow faster than regular agricultural products and can be manipulated to create resistance to certain diseases and pests.

2- Communication

Communication is one aspect in which the impact of technology is more pronounced. Technological advances allow remote communication to be much faster and more effective.

First, if you wanted to talk to someone who was in another country then you should send a letter. The wait time between sending and response was a problem.

However, today you can send messages through any social network or international courier service and the response will be immediate.

Communication technology is one of the most advanced. This is evident from the existence of devices such as smartphones that have hundreds of devices to facilitate the exchange of information remotely.

3- Education

Many educational institutions incorporate information and communication techniques in their daily activities.

The interactive nature of technological devices favors the teaching-learning process and attracts students' attention.

It has been shown that the use of audio-visual media in the classroom facilitates the acquisition of knowledge in subjects such as mathematics, physics, biology and geography.

Furthermore, technology has changed the way we study distance. Earlier, such courses were done through post, but nowadays it can be done through any platform available on the Internet.

4- Policy

Technology represents power. This means that the more technological progress a nation presents, the more powerful it will be in the eyes of other nations. This is where the relationship between technology and politics lies.

An example of this is the space race that took place in the 20th century, in which the United States and the Soviet Union competed on who would be the first person to reach the moon ?.

Another example of the relationship between politics and technology is that states encourage the development of technology that allows them to increase the operations of their military forces.

5- working

Work has been positively influenced by technology. Use of computers, smartphones, internet and social networks reduces the workload of employees.

Thanks to technological development, new jobs have been developed. Currently, working is no longer something that has to be done in an office. Anyone can work from the comfort of their home through a computer

6- Transportation

Automobiles, trains, planes, motorcycles, ships, among others, are technological developments that interfere with the transport industry. These devices facilitate the movement of not only people but also goods.

Thanks to technology you can talk about four types of transportation: land, air, water and space.

Terrestrial is one that is done through roads and railroads. For this type of transportation, cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, trains, railways, among others, are used.

In air transport, aircraft, light aircraft, helicopters, hot air balloons, including others are used.

Water transport, which can be marine or fluvial, uses boats of different sizes that are adapted to the needs of the transport.

Finally, space transport is the most recent of the three. It is responsible for sending loads from Earth to outer space and vice versa.

7- Personal life

Technology also affects personal life by influencing the way of development of society.

It allows us to do simple tasks like cooking, making coffee, washing clothes, moving from one place to another, communicating, among others.


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