Introduction to c++

                Introduction to c++

C language was invented in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie as a system programming language prominently at Bell Telephone Laboratories. System programming language refers to a language used in writing operating systems. Ritchie's main objective behind inventing C was to provide a programming language that is easy to compile, that is allowed to access memory in a better way, that gives better code, and that has a lot of run-time support Do not need While designing a high level language like C was done like a low level language, on the other hand it also gave a big boost to platform independent programming.

C proved so useful and flexible in 1973 that Ritchie and Ken Thompson rewrote a large part of the UNIX operating system into C language. Earlier operating systems were written in assembly language. The tremendous portability capability of C, apart from Assembly, which binds a program to a single CPU, allowed UNIX to be recompiled into different types of computers, also at assembly speed. It can be said that the fate of C and Unix is ​​related to each other. The reason for UNIX being successful as an operating system has been the unmatched success of C or C anywhere.

In 1978, Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie had published a book called  named "The C Programming Language". The book was also known as K&R which was the last name of auther, gave an informal introduction to the characteristics of language and at the same time became a standard for C. When portability was in great need, programmers adopted K&R's recommendation, as most compilers were based on K&R standards at the time.


In 1983, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) formed a committee to introduce formal standards of C. In 1989 (committees take a long time to do any work), the committee finished its work and launched the C89 standard, today known as ANSI C. In 1990, the International Organization for Standardization (an organization) adopted ANSI C (but with some modifications). This version of C came to be known as C90. Compilers began to be built on ANSI C / C90, and programs that needed maximum portability were coding based on this standard.

                                                       During 1999, the ANSI committee launched a new C standard, the C99. Many new features were added to this, which either compilers had already adopted as extensions, or which were implemented in C ++.

C ++

C ++ (pronounced: C Plus Plus) was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of C in Bell Labs, beginning in 1979. C ++ added many new features to C language and therefore it would be fine to consider (C ++) as superset of C. But if we look deeper, it was not because some new features were also revealed with C99 which were not yet in C ++. The main reason behind the fame of C ++ was its object-oriented programming language. After all, what is an object-oriented programming language, and how is it different from the old proramming methods, we will learn all about them in chapter 8 (Basic object-oriented programming).

The ISO committee ratified C ++ in 1998 and again introduced its new version to the world in 2003 (called C ++ 03). Two new C ++ language updates (C ++ 11 and C ++ 14, which were confirmed in 2011 and 2014) started since then, and new facilities were being added to the language. In these tutorials, new features in C ++ will be discussed along with both these updates.

Philosophy of C and C ++

The phylosophy behind the design of C and C ++ can be expressed as, "Trust programmer" - which is good because if the programmer wants to do something new that has never been done before, but which makes sense If it makes sense, the compiler will not prevent it from doing so. But it can also prove to be dangerous, because the compiler also allows the programmer to do all the things that give results beyond expectation. This is one of the main reasons why it is important for you to understand both what is right and what is wrong in C ++. If new programmers do not understand both these things, they often make some small mistakes while programming in C ++

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